
  • Master degree in Law from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria, 2002.
  • Fully qualified lawyer, Member of Sofia Bar Association since 2003.
  • Since 2013 qualified as a mediator with specialization Trade and commercial mediation; registered in the Common register of Mediators held by Ministry of Justice.
  • Since 2016 registered as a patent and trade mark representative before the Patent Office of Republic of Bulgaria (BPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
  • Since 2016 Member of Bulgarian branch of International Fiscal Association (IFA) Netherlands


Areas of Practice 

tax legal issues and procedures with domestic and international aspects;  advising on Contractual and Corporate matters; Real estate issues, advising companies on local labour legislation,  legal advises related to public procurement procedures, representation before the administrative bodies and court on tax procedures, representation before the state courts and courts of arbitration


  • English,
  • Spanish,
  • Russian